Friday, April 16, 2010

Entry Six: Music

I feel that it's valid to make the assumption that music plays a huge part in just about every culture. I love music - I have more passion for it than anything else that I do; yes even programming! :O

No matter what i'm doing during a typical day, there's music to go along with it. when i'm working in lab, driving to class, sitting at home, hanging out with friends, eating and even sleeping I have music playing in the background. Music also greatly reflects my current mood, which sort of speaks for itself. People can tell how I'm feeling just by hearing the music that i'm listening to. I think that without music life would be certainly less exciting. I mean, thinking about how many things on this planet revolve around music itself there would be certainly less things to do should music be removed from the global standard.

Music also helps me get through the day. Like I stated earlier, there is music in the background for just about everything I do. It makes certain tedious tasks a bit more bearable and feel like they are easier to accomplish when i'm listening to a good mix. So thank you Musicians and Artists, keep doing what you do to make my day that much more awesome.

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